Unemployment Report Up - J.O.B. Stock Free Falling

Lareau is EVIL
J.O.B Guarding the Life Blood
Another night in the books and the first official Thursday night of 2012 went off without a hitch !! The night was full of anticipation based on the 87 emails preceding .... involving who was assigned to what alcohol, what the teams might be and of course some pre-game plans. Joker and myself took it upon ourselves to have a couple pops at his crib with some Nauti Dolphin nourishment followed by a fast stop over at Puritan for one more and some survival techniques to endure the evening.

The paddle was furious, without scoring difficulty and riddled with old school fun between sets then games and soon points. Was it a good idea to have Jager between each? I think not, but it was certainly good times had by all. Mr. Lareau was kind enough to bring a bottle of deers blood to ward off the chills from the beach air along with some stellar play no matter who his partner was...this seems to be his pattern .....get as much play in no matter the night before the BIG tourney at the end of the month. Joker managed to escape without injury and Redgate was dressed ready for the post party at Studio 54 !!

The night did have one interesting stat, I believe out of all the sets played from 8pm - Midnight .... J.O.B went winless despite the skill level of his partner. WOW, do we have a player in the running for the "Paje Award" come end of the season? Only time will tell so get your reps in and watch those line calls for the paddle gods are watching.

NFL Predictions:

  1. The Denver Tebow's take out the steel curtain (upset alert)
  2. Hot-Lanta makes Eli see Jesus from 6ft under
  3. Andy Dalton clearly a man amongst rookies with one more trick up his sleeve
  4. Brady breaks records and has a baby with another super model with no recourse AGAIN 


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