European Vacation !!

Watching the paint dry

Sitting duck at net when Paje serves

The night was set for two 3 out of 5 set matches the first being J.O.B/TOM vs PAJE/FITZ and the second WHEELER/LAREAU vs WHEELER/RIPPY... all the makings of a grand slam event if you factor in the skill of the Wheeler match and the trash talk of the Paje match !! Oh how wrong could that be? Each match had some incredible points here and there and i even caught myself watching a bit of the other match as it seemed like they were going to be there all night..lob, volley, lob volley winner etc etc. That was the A match as it should have been with those heavy weights..literally !! The B match was more of a flag football match, tussle for a scarf or arts and crafts for the blind. Highlights of great play from each player only to be backed up with unforced errors and poor eyesight from all parties.

I know Redgate is going to read this and say two things 1. "you need glasses" 2. "you are such a pessimist, there were some great points" as he sits with legs crossed in slippers after reading Hef's biography at home. The B match was one for the ages lasting 2 plus hours and even boasting a 12-10 third set.. but give credit where credit is due... team J.O.B & TOM out hustled their opponents with the patience of watching paint dry from all the lobs (128) thrown their way.

I would enjoy nothing more then to write about the other match but i was far removed from the action in the middle of our Isner breaking match...if some of the participants would chime in that would be great.

Noticeable Attributes:

  • Redgate needs a colonic cause he is rotten inside !! Guy could knock a bird off a wire with his ass
  • Paje still holds the streak for never winning his serve thus putting his partner in harms way
  • Joker still rocking the most eligible bachelor title and has been nominated for the show..for real
  • Wheels, lost 5 of 7 sets with stellar play...he would have bageled us in our match
  • Scotty is the new spiderman with his fence climbing techniques and web casting
  • TB is going to have a heart attack is the Gmen lose setting off a chain reaction starting with his business all the way down to cousins
  • The paddle hut needs to be condemned from the smell that has coated the walls and seeped into the framework 
Much better effort this week fellas....better play, good banter, plenty of trash talk and most importantly we tried to hurt some feelings along the way. Gotta toughen up that skin for spring ball or corn hole which ever comes first. 

P.S. - Say your goodbyes to Redgate for he embarks on his European vacation tonight and might never return....May the force be with you Willy and if you find yourself in a pinch just know you are doing it right.


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