Thursday Night Pillow Fight

What should the fourth day of each week bring to our lives during the winter months of gloom and doom? The sanctuary that is Paddle Night should involve the following:

  • Shit talk that clogs our inbox of every email address we have
  • Questionable calls that creates so much tension blows are next
  • Drinking something that will make you feel warm on the coldest of nights
  • An injury of some sort..maybe not hospital worthy but some blood
  • Talk of sports on any level as long as it's not women's hoops (frank)
  • A good enough workout to break a sweat
  • Lastly, good enough paddle play that you don't freeze up or wish you were mowing the lawn
So, everything on the list above did NOT take place last night ... making it seem like the initiation of Frank's PTA club from the National Championship game. When a barn burner of a first match goes to 12-10 in the third and everyone on the court would rather be sipping a beer in the hut due to 21% serve percentage, limp wristed lobs and movement similar to a sloth there is an issue. 

FBC would have gone down t the inner city youth choir last night most of whom have never even played a racket sport other then the one they are scamming from a fellow church goer. Time to step up the play and get the fire back into the souls. That's about all i can muster up at the moment as last night wasted three hours of 8 peoples lives. 


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