Frank The Destroyer

Yes, it's abnormal to submit a paddle blog entry Monday morning but considering the content of this I thought it was a worthy cause !! I had the opportunity to be a spectator at the GAC Soccer match this weekend despite Frank ducking and dodging my repeated calls to find out game time/location. I pulled a covert operation and showed at Ludlow field to watch what was hyped to be a level of play just short of the UEFA Champions League.

What I encountered was something not even the naked eye could imagine...... picture this: a group of international guys running around some of whom could not see their cleats due to the beer guts, winded desperation cries to the refs for poor calls and injuries so frequent the game lasted an extra hour.

It was truly a site to see and a plea for help in the category of old guys trying to recapture the glory days of high school....which brings me to Frank the Tank !! In the picture above you will see an older gentleman in the range of 65 years of age from the other team in fetal position after Frank tomahawked  him to the ground subsequently stealing the ball from his own teammate and then yelling at the ref for holding !! It was priceless to see and made for a good laugh on a Sunday morning.........Frank, eep the dream alive and have a little more mercy on some of the elders in the league...they have grandchildren to consider coming into the holidays.



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