State of The hut

More like Jabba the Hut based on the time it was built !! If you took the comps from each club in Fairfield County and compared them to the FBC Paddle hut it would be a tear down situation in no time flat. Ok, so we all know this little ice fishing structure needs some serious help comparably but that doesn't mean it can't illicit good times !! With a little ingenuity and some keen eyes this space could rock some great sports events or card games without worry of trashing the joint.

Some items the hut needs desperately in list format:
1. Obviously ice packs since it's inevitable that people are going to hit the ground like bricks (JOB)
2. A cable jack so we can waste away hours on end watching sports in the seclusion from daily life
3. Mandatory poker chips on premise just in case the desire is there to hand others your hard earned cash
4. Baby wipes for Frank when he scuffs his new shoes (5th pair)
5. A goblet or cup to toast the winners nightly.....losers do shots and winners watch... then join

Lets start off by hosting the first annual FBC Paddle Hut poker tourney of texas hold-em !! Winner donates 25% of his pot to a paddle party and the kitty grows throughout the winter to add up to a banging gig with a juicy pot to produce many cups of enjoyment.

Remember - Don't be a dick or rule 69 will stick !!


  1. Well Done Phelpzie !!!!
    I will definitely take care of number 3....Cards/Chips will be on the premises at all times...



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