Rule 69

According to the American Platform Tennis Governing Body & the official rules of platform tennis rule 69 is one of the most treasured of them all !!
What could be worse? 7 guys left standing at the alter with no sub or way of making some incredible paddle happen on a night that most look forward to all means a night of beers, paddle, shit talk and maybe even some food if Frank ever lives up to his promise of wings each week. Seriously people, we need to lock down a solid 4 or 8 each week in order to make this season worth attending. Lets take the people that never respond off the distribution list and only target those who play on a consistent basis until otherwise needed......who is the official commissioner this year? Is it Frank? Badge? Paje? Someone step forward and take control of this run away freight train please. While we are on that note, we could use a TV and some uniforms from Sweedler courtesy of Cloudveil or VV...WHEELER !!

So, from this point forward rule 69 will be regulated as such:
1. Only those who respond "in" on the emails are liable for a round of drinks for all who show
2. If you say you are "in" and have to bail for some reason it is your responsibility to get a substitute
3. Don't be a DICK and commit rule 69, simple as that

"Don't be a dick or rule 69 will stick" Imagine a picture of Frank or Paje 


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