Open For Business - Paddle Is On

The beginning of the paddle season is officially upon us thursday nighters !! We started early but that was just the warm up to what should be a great winter season.....we have had injuries, fights, rule 69 violations & last but not least some good old fashion pranking !! The crew has adopted new faces and along with that new excuses, lets just hope their skin is thick and livers are fully capable to keep up. As with any beginning of the season some predictions are in order:

Over/Under for the season:
1. Hospital Visits - 3 (we already have one so this number is a bit screwed)
2. Friendships ended over poor calls - 2
3. Amount of times Paje says he is undefeated - 49
4. How many pairs of shoes Frank goes through - 3
5. Consecutive weeks Wheels shows up toasty - 3
6. Badges attendance record - 12 for 14 weeks
7. Coolio annoyance factor on scale of one to ten - 9
8. Joker passing on paddle to go out - 12 out of 14 weeks
9. JOB fanning overheads - 29
10. Redgate saying he wants to beat the hell out of someone - 9

Those are just some possible situations - if you were left out don't feel's just that you were not important enough for me to remember...hahah Alright, the blog has officially launched and anyone if free to post an entry just email me and i will be happy to provide the login information. This will be the most tame entry of the year so get ready for some serious banter and embarrassing pictures to come after each Thursday !!


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