This entry is lame but i had a couple minutes to tell the tail that we all already know the outcome just wanted to document this for the argument that will ensue with records and who beat who etc as it always does

Thursday, March 29, 2012 marked the evening of yet another money match !! This time it was the chirping of Paje/Tommy challenging Frank/Fitzy for a crisp 20.00 per man. As we are al aware of, Paje likes to challenge line calls, the score & the general rules of paddle throughout a match. This night certainly didn't disappoint on that front...just wish it was more of a match to warrant the banter that came along with it.

The first set was over in 18.5 minutes going to Frank/fitzy 6-2 with an abundance of unforced errors and slow start in this best of 5er. The second set was more of the same but a role reversal as the Paje/Tommy team took it down with a ton of bewildering mistakes to their benefit winning 6-3 evening up the match at one set a piece.

The third set is where the match really started to heat up staying on serve for most of the match with great shots from every player. We had some target practice shots, some clean winners, some horrible blunders, injuries and a serve percentage averaging about 65% for the four players...not very good at all. The barn burner went to 6-6 where it was decided to play it out...mainly because nobody knows how to play a tie-breaker in paddle. Low and behold..... Frank/Fitzy slammed the door shut on a heart breaker winning the third 8-6.

As we al know it's all down hill from there for the team that won the close set...momentum was down, team chemistry fails, miscommunication sets in...or fatigue in this case. It felt like a smooth sail with a cool drink and some snacks in the fourth set.......Frank/Fitzy defeats Paje/Tommy 6-2, 3-6, 8-6, 6-2


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