One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

It was a night of conflicted matches and people interest on what felt like the first real paddle night weather wise !! Wacky delivered as promised with his array of booze thus the title of this blog entry....not only did he mix up some incredible Dark & Stormy's but he used the ever so smooth 151 proof Goslings made for professionals !! In the remake of Amos Milburn's tune in 1953 ... John Lee Hooker appropriately added the following lines which can be applied to any number of the Thursday night know who you are !!

         And then I sit there, drinkin', gettin' high, mellow, knocked out, feelin' good
About that time I looked on the wall, at the old clock on the wall
About that time it was ten-thirty then, I looked down the bar at the bartender, he said
"What do you want down there?", one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer...

The challenge match of the week was TomCat (U of A Alum)/Paje (aka gordons fisherman) vs Frank/Fitzie - it was a caddy shack moment for the TP team as every balls seemed to bounce their way, miss hits for winners, net balls, serves that might have bent four ways from hitting a pebble on the court...who knows what else. None the less the balls were going in for them al night long along with a ton of chatter coming from the Paj...despite the good fortunes the match ended up 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 in favor of FF.

Badge and Wacky proved to be solid all night with good D and first serve % that was tops of the list....Joker & redgate bailed early to hit the bars so i have no idea how or what they did in their matches......maybe a bit rushed to inhale some booze at the factory known as Grey Goose !!

As some of you might know paje and Fitzie have a season long head to head bet so here is the current standings:
including last nights match fitzie is up 5-1

If anyone else has a grudge match please let me know and i will keep a running tally for you...that's all folks !!


  1. Tom...i have no idea what face you are making in the background but it's priceless

  2. It's a face that comes from having consumed a little bit of everything on the table.


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