To The Victor Go The Spoils

Thanks to Mr. Lareau the teams were fighting over the privilege to down some Colt Malt Liqueur if they were so lucky to come out on top of the fierce competition. Billy Dee knows best and it certainly does work every time......once you get yours hands on that forty the leisure suit and ladies flock !!

Now, the matches of the evening were set to be one of the better paddle nights of the season based upon the players involved. It was a simple winners play winners and losers...well, who cares what the losers did after the initial match.

Frank/Fitz def TB/Lareau 6-3, 6-2, 7-5, 8-6, 6-1, 8-6, 2-1, 9-3, 11-9, etc etc it was a 37 set match waiting for the fools to finish their pillow fight on the next court.

Paje/Wheels def DOC/Badge 5-7, 7-5, 6-2 in a match that would have bored Mr. Magoo according to the winners of this match... not very sportmans like if you ask me.

Last night was proof positive that if you get a solid group of people and create some animosity, poor line calls and some booze it turns out to be a GREAT evening of white bread country club fun that can only be appreciated by those that have little to do on a Friday.

BEST OF THE NIGHT - DOC was punked in a fixed game of Acey Deucy courtesy of Paje where he was faced with an Ace Deuce combo to bet the pot that already had 200.00 in it.....boom, Ace comes up and he is on the hook for four hundi....the look of horror on his face was priceless !! Good sport though, he took it like a man and was prepared to pay and lie through his teeth to his wife immediately as the wheels were spinning.


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