This Weeks Game Ball Goes To ????

This weeks game ball goes to none other then Dylan and this has been awarded more for his F bombing, racket throwing & incredibly gay bag carrying self rather then his stunning plan with top notch court demeanor. If you have the balls to tote that queer bait bag around town telling people to F off then you get this weeks game ball.....just remember Michael Vick got a game back the week he got back from jail for killing dogs so this award might not be as high brow as one might think. 

Last night concluded a weeks worth of email banter that was easily in the 100's !! I wish I could say the play justified al the sh*t talk but as we all know there is a cap on talent for the Thursday night crew.....what we lack in savvy court skills we certainly make up for with our ability to think we are better then we actually are, the sign of a good QB in the NFL I hear from the announcers. 

Frank bailed last minute due to a "work" commitment which immediately forfeited the challenge match and put him at the bottom of the ladder with rule 69 pending. The weird thing is that i got a test from him that read the following:

"hahaha, enjoy bro crushing beers in the city"
"dude, you got stuck with Dylan 3 weeks in a row??? Incredible"

Call me crazy but this doesn't sound like a work affiliated responsibility with drastic measures if not attended....but i could be wrong considering the Blue Oyster was probably the bar of choice. 

The paddle was fast and furious in the sense that the points were over extremely quick with a lot of faults, unforced errors and poor calls by both sides.....three point rally might have been the max last night so i will refrain from writing about any one match as they were all status quo. 

This Weeks Personal Bio: Kevin "JOKER" McCulloch

Below you will find a text string that must be what Joker's phone encounters on a nightly basis... i guess the only issue would be copping to the right baby momma when the situation arises to have a future NBA or NFL star. Although, with the current stable i think the only possibilities would consist of future looney bin attendees or the dark jeans wearing kid in the corner thinking of the next great Dungeons and Dragons move considering the birth mothers as of late...maybe toss in a potential male broadway star with a quest to sing in the big city.


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