Saturday Slugfest ... Who Spilled The Kool - Aid

This is out of the norm to post an entry on any other night but Thurs, but the weekend match that took place warranted such. Long in the making the battle royal finally congregated upon the courts of FBC on Saturday afternoon in the best 3 out of 5 sets match.

Paje/Frank vs. Joker/Fitz

Player Profiles:

Paje - AKA ... the A-Train as a body in motion stays in motion methodology with a wicked running forehand that would make Ivan Lendal (franks Idol ) weep for joy !!

Frank - Once a full member of FBC and now playing on a sponsors exemption will charge the net like the bull market in the era

Joker - The assassin off the screen and a bitch slap of a backhand that Ike Tailor would be proud of silencing his opponent at the net with such blistering pace.

Fitz - A 30 year honorary member and lover of B-9 account at the snack bar for his grilled cheese and bacon fix....when the serve is working watch out otherwise in serve % could be an issue depending on the day

The gloves were off from the first serve with Paje/Frank team going up 3-1 in the first only to get a beat down in the following games losing in what must have been a crushing first set loss 6-4. Once again up 3-1 in the second it looked like they would redeem themselves and salvage any respect they thought was deserved.....Opps, unfortunately that was not to be the case in the second set either...losing 6-4 again as a result of iron curtain defense from Joker !! Once again the third was a carbon copy of the first two with Joker/Fitz going down 3-1 out of boredom and lack of quality play. Once the idea of losing to an unprofessional team such as Paje/Frank along with their midget heckler entered the minds of the fantastic due of Joker/Fitz it was all but downhill for their opponents. With another 6-4 whooping on the scoreboard and egos it was nothing but slumped shoulders and weepy eyes for Paje/Frank losing the third 6-4 AGAIN !!

Final Score to recap:

Joker/Fitz defeat Paje/Frank - 6-4, 6-4, 6-4


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